The Founders are a very interesting species with unique biology, and the Borg typically combine technological components with organic solid form species, so I don't know if Borg technology would be compatible with the Founders' shape-shifting biology, and although the nanoprobes could probably infiltrate them, and assimilate them to some extent, I don't think it would be enough to turn them into complete drones. I don't think they really ever got into the specific details on DS9 of how the Jem'Hadar ketracel white addiction works on a genetic and cellular level, do the Jem'Hadar absolutely need ketracel white for their biological functions because they were genetically engineered that way, or would their bodies be able to adapt without it?īorg nanoprobes could probably alter Jem'Hadar physiology enough to get rid of their dependence on ketracel white, or at least make Borg implants in them that could synthesize ketracel white or a ketracel white substitute.